Sunday, November 14, 2010

Shows in Tn, PA, and MD.

Shakira getting one of her 12 points.
Shakira went home with Kathy and on to Ellen Russell for shows in the North East.  Shakira is Armani's sister.  She went RB two days in PA and WB/BOW the third day for her second major.  Then on to Maryland where she went RB one day and WB & BOV over a special two days for two more points.  She now has 12 points, both majors.

Meanwhile, back in Tennessee Lyric is racking up points of her own.  She was WB/BOW one day for a point and then WB/BOW/ BOV under Joan Kirkland for her second major.  She needs one point to finish.  Who says beauty and brains can't be in one little package.  See Lyrics herding pics in the last blog.


CCA Reg Herding Trials In St. Cloud, Fl.

Armani moving the sheep
Three weeks after Dona's match we were off again to the regional herding event, closer to home this time.  It was in St. Cloud, Fl.  My good friends Kathy Moll and Clarie Apple were here for the Halloween weekend to do something more constructive than to trick or treat.  My 2 yr. old tri girl, Lyric; Armani, out of Gizelle's litter with Scout; Thorn, Lyric's half brother, bred by Kathy; and Joy, Sunny's mother were all here to finish Q's for herding titles. 

Thorn and Armani, both got their PT titles, although I think Claire really got Armani's 2nd leg and she felt like it too.  He was really woo-hoo on Sunday.
Armani ready to pounce
Lyric during her run.
  Lyric got her 3rd Q for her started sheep title and is now Ceilidh's Deep River A Soft Goodbye, HSAs  She even got an extra leg on Sunday so that my granddaughter, Kilah and I could watch her. 

Lyric and Claire keeping those sheep in line.

After a tiring, but rewarding weekend, Kathy and Clarie headed back to North Carolina with two extras.  Shakira went back to go to shows and finish her championship.  Chanel went back to Dona William's spa to get in shape for the Nationals in April. 

And Lyric, now that she had shown her brains and usefulness went back to Dona's to go to more beauty shows.  See the show updates in the next blog.

Puppy Match at Dona Williams

We went to Dona Williams match on Oct. 8th with all eleven of Chanel's puppies.  They had a blast and were really good on the way there and on the way back.  But they had to get their beauty rest after such a long day.

One of the boys placed in his class of 13 and the blue smooth girl also placed in her class of 26.

The match was large with 76 collies entered and Chris Provenzano of Provenhill was the mystery judge.  Needless to say in the 2-4 mo. classes their wasn't much walking on lead.
The first 4 boys in this shot and the fifth one were all from Chanel's litter.

There must have been 50 people or more there from NC,  KY, FL, SC, VA, TN and more.  What a time with perfect decorations and lots of covered dishes to enjoy.  A good time was had by all.